Welcome to Turku UAS International Week 2023

3-5 May 2023 in Turku, Finland
Categoría: Staff Training Weeks
Turku UAS International Week 2023 is organized by the Faculty of Health and Wellbeing. Itbrings together both teachers and international staff, giving an opportunity to share yourexpertise, give a lecture for students and colleagues or to plan and create new initiatives together.
The theme for the week is Towards a better tomorrow. Current approaches to improving health careand well being .
We welcome lectures and presentations with topics related to the followingdegree programmes : Biomedical Laboratory Science, Dental Hygiene, Dental technology,Physiotherapy, Radiography and Radiotherapy, Social Services, Occupational Therapy, Nursing(Nursing, Midwifery, Emergency C are, Public Health Nursing) and Turku UAS Master School.
Theweek offers an opportunity to share your experiences with colleagues from around the world.The Turku UAS Faculty of Health and Wellbeing educates future professionals to work in the field ofhealth care and social services.
The starting point for the teaching activities at Turku UAS isinnovation pedagogy, a learning approach emphasizing multidisciplinary, experimental and practiceoriented learning. We are one of the actors of the Health Campus Turku, a significantmultidisciplinary education cluster formed by four higher education institutions and a university hospital.
Deadline for registrations: 15th of February 2023
Participation fee: 150 €
A detailed programme of the week will be published in March 2023.
Registration link and moreinformation on our website