Lomza State University of Applied Sciences, Poland

29th May - 2nd June 2023
Categoría: Staff Training Weeks
The Registration Form : https://forms.gle/bn31H2emdwCAqsnh7
Registration deadline: April 30th
General aims of the 2nd International Staff Week:
- introduction of Lomza State University of Applied Sciences, the
faculties, our campus, and facilities;
- exchange of experiences and information on the best practices in
international cooperation within the scope of the Erasmus+ Programme in
the 2021-2027 perspective;
_- attending lectures, seminars, info sessions, and innovative
_- participation in the __36th International Theatrical Festival
- networking to strengthen and develop international cooperation between
participants and their home universities;
- _participation in Polish Cuisine Workshop;_
_- getting acquainted with the Polish language, traditions, and
_- __joining the special Gondola Cruise on the Narew River;_
- touring the beautiful city of Lomza, learning about our region and its
- _visiting the North Mazovian Museum._
Participation in the programme is free of charge.
Accommodation and travel costs are not included and must be covered by
the participants.
The Staff Week can be included in the Erasmus+ Programme.
We provide:
_- training materials;_
_- welcoming dinner reception;_
_- lunches;_
_- coffee breaks;_
_- sightseeing of Lomza;_
- visiting the North Mazovian Museum;
- _participating in the Gondola Cruise on the Narew River_