The summer school enables you to develop your talent and earn ECTS credits, meet new friends and get a feel of Finland by modern virtual e-learning exercises and pass-time activities offered outside the virtual classrooms.
Categoría: Summer Program
The summer school of 2021 has been provided by Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences. Here you will immerse yourself into trending topics such as Doing Business in the Nordics, Circular Economy, Digital Business and Innovative Service Design. All tailored for any internationally minded student. In addition, a cultural immersion of both Finland and Helsinki will also be provided in this fully virtual summer school organized from 19th of July until the 30th of July.
This summer school enables you to develop your talent and earn ECTS credits, meet new friends and get a feel of Finland by modern virtual e-learning exercises and pass-time activities offered outside the virtual classrooms.
More information about the courses, prices and registration is available at the Summer school website. In case you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact summerschool@haaga-helia.fi