Apollonia” University of Iasi

2nd – 5th of March 2023
Categoría: Staff Training Weeks
Application period: until 10th of January 2023
>> secretariat@univapollonia.ro
Between 2nd – 5th of March 2023, the teaching staff and students organizes the XXXIIIth edition of the International Congress under the slogan “By promoting excellence we prepare the future”.
A) The Opening Ceremony of the Congress
B) Communication / negotiation deficiencies as a source of conflict in nowadays
C) Cultural heritage: The great books of the national culture
D) Solomon Marcus, our contemporary.
E) Highlights in advanced medicinea) Cervico-Craniofacial Painb) The Tribune of the Practitioner (Medicine, Dentistry, Dental Technology, Nursing,
F) Advanced materials in modern medicine
G) Institutional CommunicationH) Workshops, company presentations and hands-on
H) Workshops, company presentations and hands-on