6th International Week - Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca

The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca is pleased to announce its 6th edition of the International Week. This year’s edition will be held online, during 17th – 21st of May 2021.
Categoría: otros, Staff Training Weeks
The theme of the event is Business Education without Borders. International lecturers are invited to deliver a course for a minimum of six hours in one of the following areas:
- Accounting
- Management
- Marketing
- Finance
- Computer Science
- Tourism
Lecturers who want to attend the International Week are kindly asked to fill in the Registration form available at www.shorturl.at/moDKP before 15th of April, 2021.