Welcome to the website of the Master's Degree in TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERING (MIT).
On this website you can find the most relevant information on this Master: structure, subject guides, calendar and class schedules, among others.
If you have any questions or require additional information about this Master, the coordinators will be happy to assist you personally:
Alejandro Ortega Moñux | |
Gerardo Gómez Paredes | |
General Information
The University Master's Degree in TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERING (MIT) is the degree from the University of Malaga that enables to exercise the regulated profession of Telecommunications Engineer.
Centre/s of Instruction: E.T.S. de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
Credit load: 120 ECTS (72 compulsory + 18 electives + 30 Master's Thesis)
Number of places: 60
Telecommunications Engineers, within the Information Society, are highly trained and versatile professionals to hold technical and managerial positions in companies and organizations in the field of ICT, fundamental actors that our society requires to modernize the productive system and improve both the administration and the quality of life citizens.
Double Master's Degree MIT-MTRT
From the 2017/2018 academic year, we also offer the double Master's Degree in Telecommunications Engineering (MIT) and Telematics and Telecommunications Networks (MTRT), which offers the possibility of taking (simultaneously and in coordination) both Master's degrees with a shorter extension than the required to study each Master's Degree separately.
Additional information about the official university degree
BOE 20/2/2009
Requirements of the Degrees that enable for the profession of Telecommunications Engineer
BOE 18/10/2014
Official character of the Degree - Agreement of the Council of Ministers
BOJA 13/11/2014
Publication of the Study Plan - Junta de Andalucía
RUCT 4315073
Degree Code in the Register of Universities, Centers and Degrees
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