This Master is the training period of the Official Postgraduate Program in English Studies offered by the University of Malaga, so that students who complete the research pathway have direct access to this program, as well as students in the professional pathway that meet the access requirements.
This Master’s degree is structured around two itineraries, one of a professional nature and the other research-oriented. The first one is focused on the training of professionals who, both in the private and public sector, know how to cope with multilingual environments and have a deep knowledge of different cultural realities and their contrasts, since these can condition intercultural communication, mainly in professional contexts. Among the professional areas to which the Master’s studies are aimed is the research, so that the curricular content of the Master can be integrated as part of the training to obtain the doctorate degree. Thus, the courses offered in the second itinerary, the researcher, involve a specialized introduction to the schools of thought, theories and methodologies of greater scientific relevance in the area of Anglo-Saxon linguistics, literature and culture.
Among the fundamental formative objectives of this program is the training of our students to apply the knowledge acquired and their ability to solve problems in new environments within broader inter- and multidisciplinary contexts, both multilingual and multicultural. Our students will be able to integrate knowledge, communicate and become highly qualified professionals in the field of mediation and intercultural linguistic communication. The following fundamental professional profiles to which the master is oriented are highlighted:
1. COUNSELLING AND LINGUISTIC AND CULTURAL MEDIATION: intervention in language policy and planning in the different areas and levels of the State; linguistic counselling in the commercial, administrative, legal and technical field; judicial expertise in forensic linguistics; programming and didactic realisations of linguistic integration; literary edition and criticism in new supports: cultural electronic pages, computer applications in the cultural world; collaboration and linguistic and literary counselling in the different media: style editing, literary and cultural counselling on national and foreign issues, preparation of cultural supplements, etc.; linguistic application to language and communications technology.
2. CULTURAL MANAGEMENT: cultural management in different public organisms: ministries, autonomous communities (councils), city councils, municipal boards, etc.; cultural management in private organizations: foundations, companies, banks, etc.; organization of cultural events and recreational and cultural activities in all areas and aimed at different groups (children, senior citizens, etc.).
3. TOURISM MANAGEMENT: technical and cultural work in tourist agencies, hotels and leisure establishments; organization of national and international trips for which a good knowledge of the visited countries’ languages, literatures and cultures is needed; elaboration of cultural and informative materials related to the tourist sector: leaflets, guides, etc., particularly in the Costa del Sol.
4. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT: our students will be able to integrate themselves professionally in the business world to develop duties as managers or intermediate boards in the field of foreign trade, international distribution and cross-cultural management. In the case of the Autonomous Community of Andalusia, especially on the Costa del Sol, the international business relationship acquires relevance.