Students applying for the Master’s Degree in English Studies and Multilingual and Intercultural Communication must hold an official Spanish university degree or another issued by a Higher Education Institution of the European Higher Education Area that empowers the issuing country of the degree to get access to the master’s program.
Nevertheless, graduates in English Philology and other Philologies, Translation and Interpreting, Linguistics, Comparative Literature, Communication Sciences or other related disciplines will have preference for access. In particular, the professional itinerary is also aimed at graduates in Tourism, Health Sciences, Business and technical qualifications in general. A commission designated for such purposes will study the applications of the graduates interested in accessing the Master.
Graduates in accordance with foreign educational systems —except the EHEA— will be able to access this Master without the need for homologation of their degrees, with prior accreditation that they have a level of equivalent training to the corresponding Spanish degree titles and that they are authorized in the issuing country of the degree to access postgraduate studies.
The personal characteristics (sensitivities, aptitudes, specific abilities) and academic characteristics of those people considered most suitable to begin these master’s studies are:
1. Concern, curiosity and sensitivity for the investigation of the manifestations of language, literature and culture of contemporary Anglophone societies.
2. Advanced linguistic or literary knowledge in its different manifestations and contexts of the English language (research profile).
3. Ability to understand and express orally and in writing equivalent to a C1 level (effective operational proficiency) of the Common Framework of Reference for Languages.
4. Ability to understand and express orally and in writing in French or German equivalent to a A2 level (waystage) of the Common Framework of Reference for Languages.
5. Ability to appreciate communication as a complex phenomenon in a changing and dynamic society.
6. Sensitivity for the acceptance of cultural diversity.
7. Skills for the use of tools for access to information and office automation.
8. Ability to work autonomously.