The New Offer of English Subjects in our Faculty

During this course, 2015 2016, The Faculty of Social Studies and Work offers several subjects in English
This course 2015/16 the Faculty offers different topics in English (6 ECTS each):
Labour Relations and Human Resources Degree
105 - Methods and techniques for Social Research (1st semester) 108 - Introduction to Management (2nd semester)
205 - Sociology of Organizations (1st semester)
312 - Occupational Health & Safety Management (2nd semester) 411 - Business Entrepreneurship (2nd semester)
Social Work Degree
205 - Sociology II. Social Structure (1st semester) 309 - Social justice and Social Work (2nd semester)
1st semester: October to January
2nd semester: February to June
Another courses are going to be taught in Korean language (level I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII) (48 ECTS) and Korean for business.
Also you have the opportunity of develop practice in enterprises and to conduct the final project in our Faculty.
For more information: