Academic offer
Within the framework of the EHEA, this School offers all the undergraduate degrees in the field of Telecommunication Engineering. These are four degrees specialised in different fields of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT): Telecommunication Systems, Electronic Systems, Sound and Image and Telematics. These degrees enable students to pursue the regulated profession of Technical Telecommunications Engineer.
There is also a Bachelor's Degree in Telecommunication Technologies, of a generalist nature in the field of Telecommunication. The latter is aimed at students who, from the outset, are clear about their intention to take the Master's Degree in Telecommunications Engineering, which qualifies them for the regulated profession of Telecommunications Engineer and began to be taught in the 2014/2015 academic year, although this master's degree can also be accessed from any of the 4 specialised degrees. This qualifying master's degree also provides direct access to the centre's Doctoral Programme.
The Postgraduate catalogue is completed with 3 professionally-oriented master's degrees: Master's Degree in Telematics and Telecommunication Networks, Master's Degree in Electronic Systems for Intelligent Environments and Master's Degree in Acoustic Engineering.
In addition, the School combines its educational offer with the Double Degree in Telecommunication Technologies Engineering and Mathematics, and with the Double Master's Degree in Telecommunication Engineering and Telematics and Telecommunication Networks.
Programme in Telecommunication Engineering
The Programme in Telecommunication Engineering consists of an Academic Programme of Successive Pathways (PARS), which is an academic itinerary that allows students to successively complete the Bachelor's Degree in Telecommunication Technologies Engineering and the Master's Degree in Telecommunication Engineering, obtaining the qualification to practise the profession of Telecommunication Engineer upon completion.
Students of the Bachelor's Degree in Telecommunication Technologies Engineering are automatically part of this double academic programme which, together with the Master's Degree in Telecommunication Engineering, is the most ambitious itinerary offered by the E.T.S. de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación (it includes a Master's Degree that meets the European standard of 120 ECTS).
Thus, in the last years of the Degree, students may choose to combine subjects from the Degree and the Master, increasing the efficiency of their period of studies and finally obtaining both degrees (Degree + Master) taking advantage of the flexibility that the programme provides for this purpose. In the same way, students can always choose to finish their Bachelor's degree and, once they have obtained this qualification, reorientate their professional or academic future.
Degree in Telecommunication Technologies Engineering (GITT)
> Description of the degree
> Syllabus
> Career opportunities
Degree in Telecommunication Systems Engineering (GIST)
> Description of the degree
> Syllabus
> Career opportunities
Degree in Telecommunications Electronic Engineering (GIET)
> Description of the degree
> Syllabus
> Career opportunities
Degree in Electronic Systems Engineering (GISE)
> Description of the degree
> Syllabus
> Career opportunities
Degree in Sound and Image Engineering (GISI)
> Description of the degree
> Syllabus
> Career opportunities
Degree in Telematics Engineering (GITm)
> Description of the degree
> Syllabus
> Career opportunities
Double Degree in Telecommunication Technologies Engineering and Mathematics (GITTM)
Master's degree courses
Master's Degree in Telecommunication Engineering (MIT)
> Description of the master
> Master website
> Career opportunities
> Graphical summary
Master's Degree in Telematics and Telecommunication Networks (MTRT)
> Description of the master
> Master website
> Career opportunities
Master's Degree in Electronic Systems for Intelligent Environments (MSEEI)
> Description of the master
> Master website
> Career opportunities
Master's Degree in Acoustic Engineering (MIA)
> Description of the master
> Master website
> Career opportunities
Double master's degree in Telecommunication Engineering (MIT) and Telematics and Telecommunication Networks (MTRT)
> Description of the master
> Master website
> Graphical summary
- Presentation for prospective undergraduate students
- Presentation for prospective students of the Master's Degree in Telecommunications Engineering
Teaching Program
The Teaching Programme (subject guides) can be consulted at the following link:
> Teaching Schedule (Guides of the subjects) [UMA]