
Bachelor Thesis

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Information on the requirement to obtain a B1 level certificate in a foreign language in order to obtain the Bachelor's Degree can be found in the Enrolment Guide.


Official offer
Application for the assignment of subject and tutor
Defence application
Defence dates


The current regulations for Bachelor Thesis at Telecommunications School are as follows:

- Bachelor Thesis regulations [ETSIT]
- Bachelor Thesis regulations [UMA]

Official offer

Academic year 2024/2025

- Degree in Telecommunication Technologies Engineering
- Degree in Telecommunication Systems Engineering
- Degree in Electronic Systems Engineering
- Degree in Sound and Image Engineering
- Degree in Telematics Engineering


Academic year 2024/2025

Calendar for the Bachelor Thesis


It will be formalised at the Secretary's Office of the School in a similar way to any other subject, both in the ordinary period and in the period for modification of enrolment, if the requirements established in the Bachelor Thesis regulations of the Telecommunications School are met.

Before formalising the registration, it is recommended to read carefully the requirements for the defence of the Bachelor Thesis (article 13 of the Bachelor Thesis regulations of the Telecommunications School), in order to evaluate the possibilities of defending the Bachelor Thesis in the same course and avoid the economic damage of having to repeat the registration of the Bachelor Thesis due to not fulfilling any of the requirements.

Application for the assignment of subject and tutor

Once the Bachelor Thesis registration has been formalised, the following application for the assignment of subject and tutor can be submitted in the Virtual Campus or in the administration of the Bachelor Thesis coordinator's department (office 1.2.20 for the Degrees in Telecommunication Technologies Engineering, Telecommunication Systems and Sound and Image, office 1.2.40 for Degree in Electronic Systems):

Bachelor Thesis assignment application form

In this application you will have to choose one of the following assignment procedures:

- Pre-agreement with a subject included in the offer: if you want to make an agreement with a lecturer to be the tutor of your dissertation and the subject is included in the official offer.
- Pre-agreement with a subject not included in the offer: if you want to make an agreement with a lecturer to be the tutor of your dissertation and the subject has not been previously included in the official offer.
- Continuity agreement: if you want to make an agreement with the tutor to continue with the Bachelor Thesis subject assigned in the previous academic year.
- Agreement to carry out the Bachelor Thesis as a continuation of a Final Project: if you have the degree of Technical Telecommunications Engineer in the same speciality as the Degree you are studying and you want to carry out the Bachelor Thesis as a continuation of your Final Degree Project, by prior agreement with the tutor.
- Requesting a Bachelor Thesis from the official offer by means of a list of preferences: if you want to present your list of preferences of the Bachelor Thesiss that appear in the official offer so that you can be assigned the subject of your choice from those that are available.

If you have any doubts about the assignment of Bachelor Thesis subjects and tutors, please contact the Bachelor Thesis Coordinator of your degree:

- Bachelor Thesis Coordinators


Before proceeding with the preparation of the report, it is highly recommended to read the following style guide, which gives very useful advice on the writing of a document of this nature:

Manual of style for the preparation of the Bachelor Thesis report

In order to facilitate the editing of the Bachelor Thesis, two templates have been prepared: one in Word and the other in LaTeX. The Word template has a series of defined styles that facilitate the editing of the dissertation and contains an explanation of their use. The LaTeX template (which includes documents for learning LaTeX and remembering its most common commands) corresponds to that of the old Final Degree Projects and can be valid as long as the first three pages are replaced by those corresponding to the Bachelor Thesis (available in Word format below).

Word template
LaTeX template
- LaTeX template (Overleaf)

In any case, it is compulsory that the first pages of the report follow the format described in the following file:

First pages of the dissertation report

Bachelor Thesis reports to be defended from the 2013/2014 academic year onwards must be bound with glued soft cover pages. The cover page must conform to the scheme established for each of the titles. The spine must be in the solid blue colour used on the cover and the back must be the same as the cover but without watermark or text. The following documents show the format that the cover/spine/back cover should have for each speciality:

- Cover/spine/back cover of the Bachelor Thesis report of the Bachelor's Degree in Telecommunication Technologies Engineering
Cover/spine/back cover of the Bachelor Thesis report of the Degree in Telecommunication Systems Engineering
Cover/spine/back cover of the Bachelor Thesis report for the Degree in Electronic Systems Engineering
- Cover/spine/back cover of the Bachelor Thesis report on the Degree in Sound and Image Engineering
Cover/spine/back cover of the Bachelor Thesis report of the Degree in Telematic Engineering

Below are the documents in PSD format (Photoshop or GIMP) of the covers for the different degree programmes:

Cover page of the Bachelor Thesis Degree in Telecommunication Technologies Engineering (8.2 Mbytes)
Cover page Bachelor Thesis Degree in Telecommunication Systems Engineering (8.2 Mbytes)
Cover page Bachelor Thesis Degree in Electronic Systems Engineering (8.2 Mbytes)
Cover page Bachelor Thesis Degree in Sound and Image Engineering (8.2 Mbytes)
Cover page Bachelor Thesis Degree in Telematics Engineering (8.2 Mbytes)

Defence application

In order to apply for the defence of the Bachelor Thesis, the requirements indicated in articles 13 and 14 of the Bachelor Thesis regulations of the Telecommunications School must be fulfilled.

Before submitting the documentation to the School Secretary's Office by the established deadlines (as indicated in the Calendar section of this page), students must complete the application using the following Form, in which they must upload a compressed file that includes:

a) Electronic copy of the Bachelor Thesis report in PDF format.

b) Declaration of originality of the work submitted signed by the student.

c) Application form completed with the student's details, which includes the favourable report that the tutor must sign digitally in order to submit the Bachelor Thesis and the commitment to deposit or send two copies of the report (bound as indicated in the Memory section of this page) to the Secretary's Office.

The Form does not accept .zip files larger than 10MB. In case the student needs to upload a larger file, he/she must place it in a shared folder (Google Drive, OneDrive, ...) and specify the URL of that folder in the Form.

Optionally, if the student wants to make additional material related to the Bachelor Thesis available to the examining board, he/she can indicate in the Form the URL of the shared folder (or git repository...) that he/she wants to share with the examining board.


To make the presentation that will be presented during the Bachelor Thesis defence, you can use the following Power Point template:

- Template for the presentation of the Bachelor Thesis (ETSIT)
Template for the presentation of the Bachelor Thesis (UMA)

Defence dates

In the following link you can consult the next defence dates for the Final Degree Projects:

- Bachelor Thesis defence dates

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