Where to Find Information
Each year, the University of Malaga (UMA) runs several events aimed at promoting its PhD programs and providing future students with information:
- Open days: Every Spring, the University of Malaga runs its open-days under the name “Destination, UMA”. Future university students are able to find out more about any Faculty or School from the UMA at their stands, where a faculty member and volunteer students will be happy to provide information and advice to the visitors. The UMA central services has stands where visitors can find guidance on Applications, Enrollment, Scholarships, Culture, Sports, the Library Network, etc. There are also orientation talks about the university entrance exams for each degree taught at the UMA. These talks are organized by the Student Office Department. The UMA Postgraduate, Doctorate School, and UMA Qualifications services have their own stands and provide information on the different options available at the university. In addition, each faculty center can also provide university students with information and advice about their PhD academic offer.
- PhD open-day events: Each year, the Doctorate School of the University of Malaga organizes several events, including seminars, talks, open days, meetings with business sectors, and internationalization events. The PhD School of the University of Malaga organizes annual talks and other events for potential doctoral students as well as for companies, institutions, and organizations that may be interested in employing postgraduates from the University of Malaga or facilitating their employees to access PhD studies.
- Participation in national and international fairs: Through the departments of Academic Planning, Students, and International Relations, the University of Malaga participates in orientation fair events run in other locations, including other cities in Andalusia, Spain, and other countries.
- Magazines and brochures for potential students: the International Postgraduate Center and the Doctorate School (CIPD) publishes an annual brochure containing useful information, including University Masters and PhD Programs, for potential postgraduate students. In addition, the University of Malaga has three permanent information desks, one at the Teatinos Campus, another at the El Ejido Campus, and a third at the Rectorate, all of which provide information about the university. All the UMA centers have also installed displays in common areas with general information and news, updates, and training courses at the UMA.
Finally, it is always possible to make an appointment with any researcher or the coordinator of the PhD Program to better assess the match between the PhD student's interests and the work of the different research groups. Each line of research has an appointed contact person. In addition, if the student is interested in pursuing a PhD Program at the UMA, the PhD program coordinator can help them to identify potential faculty members who could take the role of tutor.
The PhD welcome program includes general information sessions organized by the Doctoral School as well as a specific sessions organized by the Psychology PhD Program. The student is helped to become familiar with specific procedures and regulations related to the doctoral program and training. In addition, the Academic Committee for the PhD Program will assign a tutor to each student, who will guide them in all the initial procedures and, based on their research interests, help them find a suitable a thesis director.