
Recommended Profile - PhD Programme in Linguistics, Literature and Translation

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Recommended Profile

The personal (sensitivities, aptitudes, specific abilities) and academic qualities of those candidates who would be considered more adequate to enrol in the PhD Programme in Linguistics, Literature and Translation are the following ones, which must not be considered at all as limiting or excluding:

-   Inquisitivity and awareness about the research of linguistic, literary, and cultural manifestations from both contemporary and past societies.

- Advanced linguistic and/or literary competence and proficient knowledge of their different manifestations and contexts within the languages that this PhD programme addresses.

-  Awareness of the theoretical and methodological principles of translatology, as well as of their practical applications, and an interest for broadening their reach through research.

-   Mastery of oral and written skills in English and/or Spanish, equivalent to a C1 level (effective operational proficiency) as regulated in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Also, advanced competence in any other language that the candidate wishes to incorporate into their research.

- Awareness and acceptance of cultural diversity.

Competence in the use of tools to access information and in office automation.

-      Being able to work independently.

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