How to Apply
The pre-enrollment process for all programs will be done through the University of Malaga website. All the relevant information can be found at this link. Generally, there will be two yearly calls for pre-enrollment, one around the month of September and the other one around the month of January.
Candidates for this program will be required to fill in the “Form for information to facilitate assessment of other merits in the admission process” [“Modelo para facilitar información para la valoración de "otros méritos" en el proceso de admisión”], which can be found on the website. In this form, candidates are required to provide the following information:
a) Compulsory:
- Identification
- Additional education (other than compulsory requirements)
- Research experience
- Lines of research
- Research subject matter
- Work experience related to the program
- Knowledge of languages
- A letter of motivation
b) Recommended:
- A proposed supervisor for the thesis
- A letter from a faculty member of the program interested in tutoring the candidate
- A letter of introduction from a faculty member from any other university or research facility
- Generally, no merit will be considered unless it is properly documented and substantiated. We recommend that all the documentation is attached and well referenced.