Conferencia: "Substrate Integrated Waveguide components for the Internet of Things: novel structures, materials, and manufacturing techniques"

Martes 8 de marzo de 2016, 17h
Sala de grados A
E.T.S. Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
Substrate Integrated Waveguide components for the Internet of Things: novel structures, materials, and manufacturing techniques
Luca Perregrini, University of Pavia, Italia
The new paradigm of the Internet of Things (IoT) requires the implementation of miniaturized, low cost, reconfigurable, and eco-friendly components. Since many years the Microwave Laboratory of the University of Pavia is working to develop new technologies and to exploit new materials, as well as to develop new concepts and topologies for miniaturized and reconfigurable circuits. In particular, the presentation will be focused on new components exploiting the Substrate Integrated Waveguide concept, such as folded and half-mode SIW filters, quarter-mode SIW filters, conformal and wearable antennas, microfluidic sensors, graphene-based reconfigurable attenuators. Experimental results will demonstrate the feasibility of these components using traditional materials as well as paper and textile. Finally, manufacturing by using both the milling machining technique and the new 3D-printing approach will be reported.
Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería de Telecomunicación