Conferencia: "Standards for Electrical Power and Related Quantities at the National Measurement Institute Australia"

El Departamento de Tecnología Electrónica organiza la siguiente conferencia:
> TITULO: Standards for Electrical Power and Related Quantities at the National Measurement Institute Australia
> PONENTE: Dr. Ilya Budovsky
> INSTITUCIÓN: National Measurement Institute of Australia (NMIA)
> LUGAR: Sala de Grados B EPS-ETSI Industrial (UMA)
> FECHA: Lunes 15 de febrero de 2016
> HORA: 12:30
Every day billions of euros worth of electrical energy are generated and traded worldwide, necessitating numerous measurements. The accuracy and traceability of these measurements ultimately relies on the physical standards of measurement developed and maintained by national metrology institutes around the world. The talk presents an overview of the unique measurement standards established in Australia to realise the unit of ac electric power up to 200 kHz and to disseminate this unit, and related quantities, to the electricity industry.
Dr. Ilya Budovsky is the Head of the Electricity Section at the National Metrology Institute Australia. In this role he is responsible for the development, maintenance and dissemination of Australian measurement standards for electrical quantities, time and frequency. He joined the organisation in 1991. Since then he has led the development of Australian measurement standards for many electrical quantities such as voltage, current and power in a wide range of frequencies, harmonics and voltage fluctuations, voltage ratio, etc. Dr Budovsky is a Fellow of Engineers Australia, Senior Member of IEEE, Chair of the Australian accreditation Body´s Accreditation Advisory Committee on Calibration, Australian Representative to the Consultative Committee on Electricity and Magnetism(CCEM) and Chair of its Working Group on Regional Metrology Organisations, and the Australian representative to a number of IEC working groups onpower quality.