Palacky University Olomouc (Czech Republic)

Join us for the 9th International Summer School in Refugee Law and Rights founded 2012 by Dr Selma Porobić with late OBE Prof. Emerita Barbara Harrell-Bond from the University of Oxford. The school is modelled according to international summer schools initiated by late professor Harrell-Bond in the 1980s as pioneering refugee law training for the humanitarians.
We bring together leading academics and practitioners focusing both theoretical and practical aspects of the legal refugee protection, to proactively contribute to its advancement through future carriers in academia, UN, governmental and non-governmental organizations, media and other sectors of work. Our goal is to advance the legal protection skills and to enhance collaboration in responding to the current challenges of international refugee protection in Europe and globally.
Due to recent Russian Federation's aggression on Ukraine and the ongoing war with massive scale displacement of civilians, this year’s school is entirely focused on Ukraine and entitled ‘War-displaced Persons’ Protection Rights - Case study Ukraine. The school is donated to Aurora Alliance Associated partner, V.N Karazin Kharkiv National University, co-organised and hosted by the Faculty of Law at Palacký University Olomouc. It will offer a 10-day hybrid training programme, possible to attend both in-person and/or online.
The school is open to professionals from different backgrounds and students of all academic disciplines. Our participants typically include staff from the international refugee and humanitarian organisations, regional and local NGOs, government officials working on refugee protection, students, scholars and researchers focusing human rights and forced migration as well as practicing or aspiring lawyers, journalists and activists.
We employ an interactive learning environment using a combination of lectures, documentary films, debates and open discussions, enabling participants both to contribute to and gain an in-depth knowledge on refugee rights. Instructors are experienced and committed lawyers, scholars and practitioners in the field and bring a comparative perspective to the international protection debate. The hybrid format this year will allow for combination of interactions between participants online and in-person with dedicated workshop and group work assignments.
The training program will cover the following modules:
I - General part
- Assessment of 1951 Refugee Convention and 1967 Protocol
- UNHCR Guidelines on the Application in Mass Influx situations of the Exclusion Clauses
- International Humanitarian law - Human Rights law - Refugee Law Intersection
- The Ethics of International Refugee Law
- Prevention of arbitrary displacement in situations of armed conflict and generalized violence
- Internally Displaced Persons’ Rights to Protection
II - Regional focus / Europe and Ukraine Mass Displacement Response
- Legal Framework for EU Refugee Responses and the Changing Paradigm of EU Asylum Law
- The Temporary Protection Directive and Refugee Rights
- Refugee Reception and Integration Rights –Central-eastern Europe
III - Case Study focus – Ukraine and Humanitarian Emergency Responses
- Displacement as Humanitarian Emergency: Preparedness, Protection and Coordination of Aid Delivery to Ukrainians
- Health in Emergencies: Medical Care and Mental Health Protection of Displaced and Humanitarians: Needs Assessment and Provision of care for Ukrainian IDPs and Refugees
- Vulnerable categories and Persons with Disabilities in the Context of Internal Displacement
IV- Peace-building and Durable solutions
- Rights-based return of war-displaced: safe return, resettlement or local integration
- “Implementing Pinheiro Principles" - Handbook on Housing and Property Restitution for Refugees and Displaced Person
- Humanitarian-Development-Peacebuilding Nexus: Prospects for Peace Building, Return, Recovery and Post-war Reconstruction in Ukraine
We invite you to register by sending the completed Application form together with the Motivation letter, and CV (2pages) to before the 15st of June, 2022.
The admission fee of 400 EUR covers full school program with special evening events, food and refreshments, school materials and tutoring during the 10-days‘ hybrid training.
For German students there is a scholarship fee available for this school through DAAD funding if apply no later than 31th May on Karazin’s website.
For Aurora Alliance students, mobility funds to cover travel and accommodation are available. through. Contact your local Aurora offices for more information after successful school application.
Admission fee discount is available for selected students. For more information contact Radana Kuncova ( at the Faculty of Law.
All the school profits are part of ongoing Aurora Alliance fundraising for V.N Karazin Kharkiv National University.
Upon successful completion of the school, the participants are awarded 3 ECTS points and Graduate Participant Diploma from the Palacky University Olomouc and V.N Karazin Kharkiv National University in Ukraine.
For detailed information about the school registration and previous experiences visit our official university website: