Ewha Online International Winter College (EIWC)

We are delighted to present the Ewha Online International Winter College (EIWC), a new winter program that will be launched in January of 2021.
Categoría: otros, Summer Program
The EIWC is a 3 week online program featuring two tracks, the SPECIAL track and the GENERAL track.
The EIWC SPECIAL Track is a customized introductory program to Korean Studies and is worth 3 credits. Students will get to take real-time Korean Language classes and pre-recorded special lectures on Korean culture and society.
The EIWC GENERAL Track offers a selection of credit-bearing courses taught by renowned Ewha faculty. Students will be able to learn about various subjects and meet new friends from around the world without the hassle of international travel. Each course consists of pre-recorded lectures and real-time sessions; upon completion students will earn 3 credits per course.
2020-21 Ewha Online International Winter College
Program Dates: Jan 20 – Feb 9, 2021 (3 Weeks)
Application/Payment Period: Nov 2, 2020 - Dec 20, 2020
Credits: (SPECIAL) 3 Credits / (GENERAL) 3~9 Credits
For more details about the program, please refer to the attached e-brochure or visit our website at http://www.oia.ewha.ac.kr. For any inquiries, please email us and we will be more than happy to assist you.