Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

We hope that you are doing well despite these strange times, and feeling as much excited as we’re to welcome the summer once again. Speaking of this, we have some important news to share with you!
As we’re slowly getting back to the normal once again, we are happy to announce that the Bauhaus Summer School is back! This year we offer a wide selection of online, blended and in-class courses. Bauhaus Summer School 2022 has small and individual classes, expert lecturers and of course life-long friendships from around the world. The classes will take place from July 18 until September 03 and is especially designed for undergraduates and graduates.
After completing the first-cycle of applications; we would like to announce an extension of the deadline for the following courses;
- Railway Stories | Artistic Research Of The Train Journey
- What Is Color?
- Things Things Things
- Deep Dive Design Thinking
- Forecast Engineering
Please find attached our BSS-Factsheet with all the necessary information. We would be very pleased if you could share this news amongst your institution and contacts! The application deadline is May 31, 2021 for our specialized courses and June 15, 2021 for our language courses.
If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to get in contact us.
We wish you all the best and hope you stay safe!