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  • Anna Ghazaryan, de Armenia
    May 23, 2022

    Comparte su experiencia en la Universidad de Málaga con Erasmus+ KA107. 

  • International Staff Week at TH Rosenheim, Germany
    May 23, 2022

    International Staff Week at TH Rosenheim, Germany, from 26-30 September 2022.

  • Wroclaw University
    May 23, 2022

    3E+ Summer School 2022 summer edition

    The participants have a unique chance to take part in a 60 hour, interactive, small-scale course which is specially designed to provide an intensive, in-depth look at their topic of study in a very friendly atmosphere.

  • Univerza v Ljubljani
    May 23, 2022

    In this academic year, our academies and faculties offer more than 40 summer school courses in various disciplines: from economics and business sciences, law to social work and technical sciences. More detailed information on the summer school courses is available at our website

  • Istanbul Aydın University
    May 23, 2022

    There are still a few spots left and that is why we are reaching out to your esteemed university. Registrations are open until July 1 or until all seats are full. All details are listed below.

  • L'École d'Ingénieurs (Francia)
    May 23, 2022

    The Summer Camp will last for two weeks of intense courses (four days a week). These training courses will be presented by M. Briz Parent (Phd. Marine Ecology) and 8 experts working in various sectors related to the marine world. On free days, you will be given the opportunity to visit the city of Angers, an historical heart in France, and discover typical French ‘‘art de vivre” (lifestyle) in a human-scale city.

  • Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
    May 23, 2022

    La Facultad de Contaduría Pública, Campus Bogotá, de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, tiene el gusto de invitar a la comunidad académica contable y disciplinas a fines a postularse a las 180 becas que encuentran abiertas para los Cursos de Verano 2022 que se realizarán en modalidad virtual.

  • L'ISIT Paris (Francia)
    May 23, 2022

    ISIT Paris is pleased to inform you that the Pre-PhD Summer School 2022 in Translation and Intercultural Communication will take place from 27 June to 13 July 2022 at ISIT's campus in Paris.

  • University of Vienna
    May 23, 2022

    We invite you to promote this year’s univie: summer school programmes among your students:

    univie: summer schools are short programmes (one to four weeks) between July – September 2022.

    They are open to international and local students, with a focus on those studying towards a master’s or doctoral degree.

  • European Collefe of Cluny (Francia)
    May 23, 2022

    Real area of democratic exchange, summer workshop of the college of Cluny  suggests to students and young professionals from all over Europe, the opportunity discussing their future, exchanging with other European young people and realizing a common project through an approach established  on respect and  listening.      

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