Wroclaw University of Economics and Business

June 26th until July 5th
Categoría: Summer Program
This year, the event takes place from June 26th until July 5th, and its main topic is “SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGES IN MODERN BUSINESS”. This intensive and practical course is aimed at students of management and related fields of studies from all over the world who want to deepen their knowledge and acquire skills in sustainable management, and gain vital managerial competencies which will be essential in the near economic future.
As the enrollment to the Summer School 2024 is in progress, I would appreciate if you could share this information with the students of your University. I am sending the official flyer and poster of the event in the attachment.
Additionally, here is the link to the official website of the Summer School of Management, where you can find all the details, contact info and application form:
You may also contact us through FB: https://www.facebook.com/SummerSchoolPoland