Universität Greifswald (Alemania)

07th August and 01st September
Categoría: Summer Program
Between 07th August and 01st September, students from all over the world will be invited come to Greifswald in order to study the German language and broaden their knowledge about German culture.
The programme mainly consists of 20 hours of German lessons per week and workshops in accordance to the language levels, where the students can use and extend their language skills and are introduced to different aspects of German culture and current topics.
Skill levels offered range from A1 to C1.
After the classes there are plenty of cultural events and activities taking place in Greifswald and the surroundings. The weekends are free to discover the surroundings and other parts of Germany and the Baltic Sea region independently.
The programme is open for prospective students, students, researchers and university staff.
The programme cost is € 500.00 and includes the language course, workshop and cultural programme. Application deadline is 30th April, 2023.
For more information about the programme and the application please see www.uni-greifswald.de/summerschool or contact us via greifswaldsummer@uni-greifswald.de