Wroclaw University

3E+ Summer School 2022 summer edition
The participants have a unique chance to take part in a 60 hour, interactive, small-scale course which is specially designed to provide an intensive, in-depth look at their topic of study in a very friendly atmosphere.
Categoría: Summer Program
This year, there are 4 courses to choose from, each for 4 ECTS points!
Courses will last from 11th to 29th July 2022 and the students should apply before 31.05.2022.
This year we have also prepared a special 10% discount for students from our partner institutions (valid Interinstitutional/ Erasmus+ Agreement)!
In the attachment you will find a leaflet and short information which can be distributed among your students.
We would be grateful for any help in promoting this event!
We invite you to have a look at our website and get to know more about the summer programme! wroclaw.tech/3e2022