The Professional Career, a Long Distance Race. (Memories of an anonymous marathoner)

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El próximo 26 de marzo Jose Luis Casado nos presenta, dentro del ciclo International Open Lectures on Entrepreneurship, la conferencia titulada “The Professional Career, a Long Distance Race. (Memories of an anonymous marathoner)”, en el marco de la asignatura en inglés de “Creación de Empresas”.
Lugar: Salón de Grados
Hora: de 9 a 11 horas
Profesor responsable: Antonio Padilla-Meléndez.
Curriculum Vitae (extract):
- Chair of the board of the Official Association of Telecommunication Engineers of Eastern Andalucía.
- President at Fundación HABITEC.
- Member of the Seniors Program of the Fundación Red Andalucía Emprende of the Junta de Andalucía.
Professional Career Summary:
- During 4 years, until January 2013, he held the post of Managing Director at Technology Centre HABITEC. Formerly he has worked 8 years for Thomson Telecom, where he held among others the posts of General Manager of the Spanish subsidiary and worldwide Director of Product Development. He has been more than 20 years in Alcatel, where his career encompasses several technical functions as design engineer, project leader, R&D director and Director of Engineering of the Residential Phones Business Unit.