El día 4 de marzo se celebró el Workshop on Space Robotics en el Salón de Actos de la Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales (Universidad de Málaga) con una asistencia de más de 150 personas.
11h00 | Welcome José Gavira Izquierdo, Head of Optics and Mechatronics Division, ESA |
11h15 | ESA Research in Space Robotics. Automation and Robotics in Space are found at different applications ranging from ISS servicing or assisting other satellites in Earth orbit, to probes landing and/or exploring other planets and bodies in the solar system. ESA is running missions, such as ExoMars or ERA, and other industry activities to develop the necessary technology to cover all these applications. Additionally, the Planetary Robotics Lab in ESTEC has several projects to support this technology developments, specially in the area of rover systems technology. Gianfranco Visentin, Head of Robotics and Automation Section, ESA |
| UMA Space Robotics Laboratory. The Space Robotics Labotoratory at UMA was born in the frame of research activities between ESA and UMA. Currently, the lab continues collaborating with ESA, but also it is involved in other projects related to Planetary Exploration. Carlos J. Pérez del Pulgar, Principal Investigator, Space Robotics Lab, UMA |
13h15 | Closing |